Mametja Moshe
Mametja Moshe’s career spans more than 18 years and includes experience in corporate finance, equities capital markets, debt capital markets, black economic empowerment, accounting, auditing and corporate tax. She is the founder and CEO of Moshe Capital.
Prior to founding Moshe Capital, Mametja worked at Identity Capital Partners, a South African investment group, as an executive in finance, and senior associate in the investments team. Mametja spent over four years in banking at Morgan Stanley from 2007 to 2010, where she covered South African, Zambian and Nigerian mergers & acquisitions and equity capital markets. Mametja also worked in the UBS AG corporate finance team where she covered South African mergers & acquisitions. During this period in banking she led teams in the execution of transactions worth over $5 billion.
Before pursuing investment banking, Mametja spent five years at KPMG. She completed her auditing articles in the consumer products team and later joined the corporate tax team, where she covered tax compliance, restructurings, mergers and acquisitions and black economic empowerment transactions.
Mametja has served on the boards of Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd (alternate), Southgold Exploration (Pty) Ltd (a subsidiary of the multinationally-listed Great Basin Gold Limited) and EuroDollar Foreign Exchange (Pty) Ltd.
Mametja obtained her B. Com Hons (Accounting) and B. Com Hons (Management Accounting) degrees from the University of Kwazulu Natal. She is a qualified chartered accountant and an MBA graduate in the Global Executive Program at Columbia Business School and London Business School.