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  • The Critical Minerals Africa 2024 summit on November 6 - 7 serves to position Africa as the primary investment destination for critical minerals. The event is held alongside the African Energy Week: I ...
  • As part of its commitment to fostering the growth of Africa’s critical mineral industry, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has joined this year’s Critical Mineral Africa (CMA) Summit as a Strategic Partner. Ko ...
  • Amid rising interest by German entities in investing in Africa’s critical mineral value chain, the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Southern Africa) has once again partner ...
  • This year’s Critical Minerals Africa Summit will host Tim George, CEO of Pensana, to speak on developing the continent’s rare earth sector.
  • As part of efforts by the DRC to strengthen the participation of SMEs in the economy while advancing the development of critical mineral projects, the DRC’s Minister of Industry and SMEs Louis Kabamba ...
  • African Mining Industry Sees Significant M&A Activity

    03 Jul 2024 Energy Capital and Power
    A slate of new transactions has been announced in recent months as companies move to unlock the full Across Africa and the Middle East, 23 mining M&A deals were announced in Q1, 2024, showing a 503% i ...
  • South Africa has up to 95% of the world’s platinum group metal (PGMs) reserves, 70% of its manganese reserves, and substantial reserves of vanadium, magnesium, nickel, and copper – essential for green ...
  • South Sudan is currently forging partnerships with public and private sector entities, investors, exploration firms and technology companies to unlock its critical mineral potential. The country is es ...
  • Orion Minerals CEO Errol Smart will speak on the company’s flagship projects in South Africa’s Northern Cape, where it targets first copper sales by 2025.